Do You Need To Use Numbing Cream For Laser Hair Removal?


It can be excruciating when you have laser hair removal on your face or other areas of your body that you do not want hair on or have a bikini wax. The same goes for going for tattoos. Those procedures will help you improve your appearance, and that can help you improve your confidence. However, they are incredibly painful. That is why if you plan on having any of those procedures done, you will want to arm yourself with numbing cream. And the focus will be laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal comes with many advantages as eventually, with that procedure, hair follicles become destroyed, which means you will no longer grow hair. Or, if you do, it will seldom be, and it will not be overly visible. In addition, women with conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS may struggle with facial hair because of having high testosterone levels. That is why those who grow facial hair will want to have laser hair removal to keep hair from growing on their face and other areas of their bodies, such as their chest, backs, and toes.

Women also use laser hair removal to keep hair from growing on their legs and go that route to trim their bikini line. It is highly effective for maintaining hair growth at bay, and you can also do the procedures at home. However, it can be painful, and the description of the pain feels like a rubber band constantly snapping against your skin. If you go to a clinic that offers hair removal, you will see that they provide numbing cream, and the same goes for reputable tattoo parlors. However, if you are doing any laser hair removal at home, you need a numbing cream to ease the pain. There is no getting around that unless you have a very high pain tolerance.

What Type Of Numbing Cream Is Used For Laser Hair Removal?

The numbing cream you use for hair removal will be topical. It typically includes lidocaine, tetracaine, or benzocaine. Those are the ingredients that provide your skin with that numbing sensation, and the skin absorbs it quickly. So the one thing you want to look for in any numbing cream is that it is fast-acting, or else there would not be a point in having it if the absorption did not happen that fast. That means after you apply the cream, the pain ends within seconds, and therefore, it makes the procedure seem so much more painless. Consequently, you can appreciate the results that laser hair removal brings.

Some people prefer not to use numbing creams after laser hair removal. They do try to numb the pain by using ice cubes, packs, or cold compresses. They put it on their faces, legs, bikini lines, or any other area where they are getting hair removal. The cold compresses or ice will provide a numbing sensation from the cold. However, the problem with that is that the effects of the cold do not last for very long. Therefore, the pain finds its way back once the effects end up dying down. That is why numbing cream is a lot more effective, and if you are concerned about its safety, you can talk to your doctor. You will want to speak to your doctor about the best numbing cream for you before you use it, regardless.

When To Apply Numbing Cream For Laser Hair Removal

If you attempted to put numbing cream on after your laser hair removal treatment and did not get much relief, you are not doing it correctly. That is because you need to apply the numbing cream before and after each laser pulse. Doing so only after the treatment will not help you that much. When you use the numbing cream on your skin before you begin the laser hair removal treatment, you allow your skin to absorb the ingredients of the cream before you start. That will help to minimize the pain during the treatment significantly. After finishing the treatment, you will want to apply it again. If you don’t use it after you finish your session, the pain will creep up. You want to avoid that at all costs. Therefore, before you begin any of your laser hair removal sessions, you want to have that cream on hand.

As mentioned, most laser hair removal clinics do have cream, and some reputable tattoo parlors do too. However, you do not want to assume that they do. Not every clinic does have it, and that is why you want to ensure that you have your numbing cream so you do not end up in a position where you will have to undergo unnecessary pain.

How To Apply Numbing Cream For Laser Hair Removal

As you know, you need to apply the numbing cream before and after the treatment, and if you worry that it can interfere with the treatment, it won’t. So there is no need to worry. You can apply the numbing cream a half hour before you begin your treatment. However, you will want to read the instructions on specifically using the cream based on the type you got.

However, in most cases, when you apply the cream, you will need to wash the area where you will receive the treatment with soap and water to clean it. Then pat the area dry, take a cotton ball or some gauze, and apply the cream to that area. Ensure that you rub it around so each area of your skin affected by the treatment has coverage. After that, apply more cream so you can add a thin layer. Next, take a saran wrap piece and cover the area so that the heat can activate the cream underneath the wrap. You can keep it there for 20 to 30 minutes, or the amount of time specified by the instructions on the cream. If you are at a clinic, the professionals will provide you with the guidance you need.

When your time is up, then you will begin your procedure. After finishing, you will want to rinse and repeat, so your body absorbs the cream the second time. That will help minimize your pain.

What Is The Best Numbing Cream For Laser Hair Removal?

Not all numbing creams are the same. If you are not overly sensitive to the pain, you do not need a numbing cream that is highly potent. However, if the pain is a severe issue from laser hair removal, then the best numbing cream to get is a cream known as BLT cream. No, it is not a delicious sandwich that you get at your local deli. This cream contains benzocaine, lidocaine, and tetracaine, which is why it is called BLT. If you need this cream, you will need to get it from your doctor, or you can get it at a pharmacy that carries it.

What Are Side Effects Of Numbing Cream?

If you don’t use too much numbing cream, you should not endure any side effects. However, you may end up with some itching and slight burning in the area of the skin of the applied cream. Occasionally, you may find some redness and slight puffiness in the area too. Those side effects will subside within a day or so.

However, more severe side effects can happen, such as nausea and dizziness. And, if you end up struggling to breathe and have a rapid heart rate, or if you have signs of a severe allergic reaction that points to anaphylaxis, then you must go to the hospital. That is why you must talk to your doctor about any numbing cream you want to use beforehand, so you know what side effects to expect.

Is It Safe To Use While Pregnant Or Breastfeeding?

Even though not many studies are around on the safety of numbing cream and pregnancy or breastfeeding, enough data shows that lidocaine is safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding. Pregnant mothers often suffer from hemorrhoids, and their care providers provide lidocaine creams that are entirely safe for the baby. It is never a good idea to use too much numbing cream, even if you are not pregnant.

Lidocaine also is safe for breastfeeding mothers as it will not pass onto the milk for the baby. Therefore, the risk is minimal. However, any pregnant or breastfeeding mother wanting to use any numbing cream must talk to their care provider first.


Laser hair removal can be painful for some more than others, and for those who struggle with facial hair growth or who want to reduce the frequency of shaving their legs or bikini lines will want to go this route. Because this procedure can be pretty painful‘, the recommendation is to use a numbing cream. It is also highly recommended to speak to your doctor before using it to ensure that you are using the best one for you and know the risks. You also want to follow the instructions on applying the cream, so you use it the right way and get the most out of it when it comes to your laser hair removal sessions.